Death & Life Studies and Practical Ethics Lecture Series
Number 012
Pierre-Yves Donzé, "Capitalism and Global Health: A Modern History, 1850-2020"
【日時】2024年12月13日(金) 17:30-19:00
【会場】東京大学本郷キャンパス 法文1号館3階314教室
【オンライン会場】Zoom ID: 829 280 0028 (Passcode: 854145)
【共催】東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 死生学応用倫理研究室
Pierre-Yves Donzé is a professor of business history at Osaka University and a visiting professor at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He was the 2023 Thomas K. McCraw Fellow in U.S. Business History at Harvard Business School. He is a co-editor of Business History. His research focuses on the global dynamics of creative industries and the history of healthcare business. He is preparing a book titled Capitalism and Healthcare: A Global Business History of Hospitals (1850-2020).
The aim of this conference, based on a book project, is to discuss the extent to which the development of contemporary medicine can be viewed from a business history perspective. Today, healthcare is a major economic sector (between 12 and 17% of GDP in wealthy countries) that relies heavily on companies and organizations run like private corporations. What are the historical origins of this phenomenon? How did hospitals evolve from charitable establishments for the poor to veritable “healing machines” (in Chandler's perspective, not Foucault's)? What role did technological innovation play in this process?
To answer these questions, we take as our starting point the formation of the healthcare industry in Western countries in the second half of the 19th century, and compare it with the case of Japan. This will enable us to highlight the various organizational models and policies that have had the effect of distinctly organizing the healthcare market. We then turn to the case of the limited internationalization of healthcare companies, and analyze the development process of this sector in the countries of the Global South. The conference concludes with an international comparison of healthcare systems from an economic perspective.